These features work together to make many tasks easier in the Saladmaster system, helping consultants, distributors, and the company work better and faster with fewer mistakes.
Log In
New Stock
Create Distributor
Features & Benefits
Telesales Booking Dinners
Add/ Delete/ Modify consultants’ details
Assign consultants to a distributor
Search for consultants by name
Search for distributors
Consultant Phone List
Distributors Phone List
Create actions on orders and customers e.g. “Call Backs”, “Cook Schools”, “Conversations”
Search for prospects
Search for orders by order number, consultant, customer name, admin status, order date
Add/ Delete/ Modify products in the system
Enter new stock into the system
Transfer stock to consultants, distributors, customers
Transfer from consultants, distributors, customers to stock
Optional SMS reminders
Track Hosting Gifts
List stock consultants are holding
Create actions on orders and customers e.g. “Call Backs”, “Cook Schools”, “Conversations”
Record all commissions for each sale to consultants
Records payments of commission and other payment to consultants
Print out consultants’ commission and payment statements
Add/ Delete/ Modify prospect details
Add/ Delete/ Modify order details
Break sets and reassemble them
Transfer borrowed stock to Dealers and back
Record and Track VAT on order
Refund VAT on Buy Back deals
Print dinner letter to clients by mail merge
Email information to clients
Optional SMS for consultants and Clients/Prospects
Record installation notes
Record installation notes
Consultant Phone List
Consultant scores e.g. SPV, paid, installed, pending, cancelled, rejected, etc